Let it be forgotten

Self-published zine
Limited edition of 20 copies, signed and numbered
Size: 8×15 cm
24 pages
Hand-printed and hand-crafted
Paper: old sovjet paper found in my father’s bookcase
Photos and introductory text by Oleg Kolimbet
Zine includes poem by Sara Teasdale “Let It Be Forgotten”
from “Flame and Shadow” (New York: Macmillan, 1920).
Language: English
St.Petersburg, 2024
Participant of “Dark matter in Artist’s book” exhibition in New Delhi (India) and
photobook festivals “Zherdela” in Stavropol, Rostov-on-Don, “Nizina Fest” in St.Petersburg”
Featured in the collection of Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art “Garage”
Sold out
Zine includes photographs from the series of the same name, which I have been shooting for several years with an old medium format camera. My subjects are solitary objects that once served man but were abandoned and forgotten, merging with nature and becoming part of the landscape.
We forget. Scientists believe that it’s normal that we need to forget in order for our memory to function properly. Sometimes it happens on its own, sometimes we do it intentionally, eliminating from our memory things and people we no longer need. But in the same way, they also forget about us. Does a discarded mirror remember the faces of those who looked into it? Does the boat remember those who rode it? Does the broken bridge remember those who walked on it? Does the abandoned house remember those who lived there? Does God remember those who turned away from Нim?